Our online services make legal compliance publishing quick and easy!
UTC Timezone: 1/15/2025 6:27:43 AM
Eastern_Standard_Time: 1/15/2025 1:27:43 AM
New Users
If you have not already registered as a user, please do so by clicking the “REGISTER USER” tab at the left. After completing the information, please click “Submit” to receive a confirmation email with your temporary password.
Upon receipt of the email, copy your password, simply sign in, paste in your temporary password, and create your personal password, and continue to process your notice.
Returning Clients
If you are a returning client, it is probably a good idea to check your Account Information by clicking the ‘EDIT INFORMATION” tab at the left. If correct, simply click the state for which you are filing and follow the instructions. If you have made changes, simply click “SUBMIT” to forward the changes. Once complete, you may proceed with your filing by clicking the appropriate state.
Multiple Companies
If you are filing for more than one company, click the “MY COMPANIES” tab on the left to confirm that all companies are listed. If not, click the “REGISTER COMPANY” tab on the left to register additional companies. If all of your companies are listed, simply click the state for which you are filing and follow the instructions to complete the process.
We hope you find our online process easy and quick. If you encounter any problems throughout the process, feel free to give us a call – OR, check the WNGates blog for answers to frequently asked questions.
Most importantly, thank you for your trust and confidence in WNGates.com Inc.!